In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, school phobia is broadly categorized as a childhood social anxiety disorder and afforded DSM-IV status as such. The physical symptoms are nothing short of harrowing: hyperventilating, chest pains, dry mouth, shaking, crying, dizziness, nausea, and seizures. Though the terror of panic attacks is palpable and seemingly impossible to overcome, most people affected by the disease claim their toughest obstacle is a cynical public.
Twenty years ago, school phobia was unchartered territory for educators and psychologists. As someone who was diagnosed with this disorder in the fall of 1988, I know from experience how difficult it can be for young learners to cope. I was often accused of knowingly misbehaving. People said I was a troublemaker, that I craved attention, or that I simply refused to attend school.
Homework: Técnicas de lectura: Predicción, deducción, scanning y skimming :Homework: Técnicas de lectura: Predicción, deducción, scanning y skimming Predicción, deducción, Skimming Seleccione un texto que tenga una imagen. Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas. De acuerdo al título y la imagen, ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer? ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto? ¿Que palabras se repiten? ¿Que palabras se parecen al español? ¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto? ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo. Scanning Seleccione un texto y escribe 4 preguntas puntuales sobre fechas, sitios, etc) (utiliza una biografía referente a algún autor de tu área de experticia)) Indica cuales son los marcadores de definición, marcadores de tiempo, y marcadores de secuencia presentes en tu texto.
Pregunta 1.- Un texto relacionado con la fobia de los niños y adolescentes de asistir a la escuela.
Pregunta 2.- La idea general del texto se refiere a la fobia de asistir a la escuela padecida por algunos niños y adolescentes. Así como tambien la cantidad aproximada de niños y adolescentes que sufren de esta anomalía, sus sintomas y algunos métodos de enseñanza que pueden ayudar a estos jovenes.
Pregunta 3.- Phobia, disorder, People.
Pregunta 4.- Social, Manual, Mental, Media.
Pregunta 5.- Didaskaleinophobia.
Pregunta 6.- En el primer párrafo se refiere a la fobia como tal, la cantidad aproximada de jovenes americanos que lo padecen y posibles métodos de enseñanza que pueden ayudar a los niños y adolescentes que lo sufren.
En el segundo párrafo se refiere a que hace veinte años atras no se conocia esta enfermedad y se atribuían a problemas de conducta en los jovenes y otras patologías.
Simón Bolívar was born in Caracas on July 24th of 1783, descendant of a family of Basque origin established in Venezuela since the end of the XVI century and which occupied a distinguished social and economic position in the province.
His parents were Colonel Juan Vicente Bolívar y Ponte, and Concepción Palacios Blanco. He had two older sisters and a brother: María Antonia, Juana and Juan Vicente. There was another girl, María del Carmen, who died at birth. Before he was three years old, Simón lost his father, who passed away in January of 1786.
The children’s education was supervised by his mother, a woman possessing a fine sensibility, but also capable of administering the family’s numerous properties. Aside from his paternal heritage, Simón was the owner of a rich “mayorazgo”, or inheritance, which was given to him in 1784 by his cousin Juan Felix Jerez y Ariteguieta, a priest.
The Liberator, with failing health, renounces the Presidency and embarks on a trip to the coast. The news of the assassination of General Sucre, which he received in Cartagena, affects him deeply. He envisions a trip to Europe, but death takes him by surprise on December 17, 1830 in San Pedro Alejandrino, an estate located on the outskirts of Santa Marta. On December 10, he made his last proclamation to his countrymen, which is considered his political testament. He distinguished himself among his contemporaries though the use of his prodigious talent, his intelligence, his will and abnegation, qualities which he placed entirely at the service of a great and noble endeavor: that of liberating and organizing the civil life of many nations which today view him as their founding Father. His mortal remains, brought to Venezuela with great pomp in 1942, now lie in the National Pantheon in Caraca
¿Cuando nació Simon Bolivar?
He was born in Caracas on July 24th of 1783.
He was born in Caracas on July 24th of 1783.
¿Quienes fueron sus padres?
His parents were Colonel Juan Vicente Bolivar y Ponce, and Concepción Palacios Blanco.
¿Cuando y donde murio?
Death takes him by surprise on December 17, 1830 in San Pedro Alejandrino, an estate located on the outskirts of Santa Marta.
Este artículo permite estudiar de una manera práctica las diferencias entre las técnicas de lectura skimming y Scanning y cuando deben ser usadas.
ResponderEliminarEl Skimming es una técnica usada para conocer la idea principal de un texto, así como también permite al lector efectuar un análisis rápido del mismo. Ahora el scanning es una técnica que se usa para conocer aspectos puntuales de un texto y por ende no permite analizarlo a profundidad.
Es por esto que se recomienda que antes de emplear alguna de las técnicas mencionadas, el lector tenga claro que clase de información desea obtener del texto a leer.
genial me sirvió mucho!!
ResponderEliminargenial me sirvió mucho!!